Primary or Caucus for Bernie Sanders 2020

Head out to vote in the primary or caucus for Bernie Sanders in 2020. It is vitally important! Our power lies in our participation in the political process. One of the places where our vote still holds a huge amount of sway is in primaries and caucuses. It is arguably the place where the individual voter’s vote still has real, tangible power. Use it!
In some years the differences in candidates for president for each party is minimal. This year is not the case. In fact, the democratic candidates are remarkably different. This difference will mean whether we have a chance to fix and correct our political system and society or if we remain in the embarrassing and dysfunction quagmire that is our corrupt political process and government functionality.
Much of what Joe Biden proposes is to stick with what we already have, such as healthcare and energy policies. The same systems that have lead to Americans to ruin.
When looking at each candidate’s stance on issues both in the past and present, their outlined plans for American policy, and the drive they have to make a difference in the coming years, the choice is clear.
- Bernie Sanders is the best choice to advance American policy in meaningful ways demonstrated by his decade’s long history of fighting against the corporate takeover of America.
- Bernie Sanders clearly has the majority of American’s people’s best interest in mind demonstrated by his empathy and vigor through demonstrating for civil rights.
- Bernie Sanders is the best choice to bridge the gap between people in America demonstrated by his ability to compromise and find middle ground on long lists of passed legislation.
- Bernie Sanders also has the ability to bring out the disenfranchised voters that won’t even show up for “normal” politicians.

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Vote or Caucus for Bernie Sanders
Please take a little time out of your day today and head out to your local Primary or caucus and vote. It is a rich and rewarding experience. Your vote holds significant weight in the outcome of who will end up being the Democratic nominee for president.
Ask those around you if they would like to join you. Make a night out of! It will be fun and it is so very important to be involved in our democratic process. If we don’t use our democracy, we just might lose our democracy.
So get out there today and caucus or primary for Bernie Sanders!
If you want to do more, check out his site. Donate, volunteer, and let those you know you support Bernie Sanders for 2020 and why he has our best interests in mind.
Click here to help Bernie Sanders win in 2020!
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