Stop Corporate Corruptions Influence in Politics with Progressives United

russ-feingoldIt shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone the extent to which the corporate dollar has invaded every aspect of our lives. Corporations now have as many or more rights than the everyday citizen. Their influence runs deep and is shaping the country in their favor, not in the interest of this nation’s citizens. The corporations are slowly eroding the rights and freedoms of the American people.

Foremost among a great many recent travesties of justice was the landmark decision a little over a year ago concerning the Citizen’s United decision, in which the Supreme Court ruled that corporations were entitled to the full protection of the First Amendment, allowing them unlimited and unchecked campaign donations in elections.

This literally means that the Supreme Court overturned 100 years of law and precedent to allow corporations to buy elections. Corporations now have the ability to purchase elections. This isn’t sensationalism. If a corporation can finance a candidate’s campaign,  it can flood whichever politician supports their corporate greed with unlimited funds.

President Obama criticized the ruling, calling it “a green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics. It is a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans.”

This is not what America is about.

This is not how we make America great again.

Luckily for us Russ Feingold has started his own organization, Progressives United, to fight back against this horrible and very destructive decision. We cannot allow corporations any more control of our political system.

Corporations have a vested interest in capitalism and unregulated free markets in order to take as much advantage as possible of the American people.

The economic collapse occurred with the Republicans in power, still touting elimination of regulation and insisting the markets would self-regulate, while at the same time begged and threatened the American people for a bailout for the very companies that caused the collapse.  Instead of allowing a company to “sink or swim”, as is the opportunity given every company in a Capitalist economy, they were given hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars. It’s sickening to realize these companies were literally rewarded for years of mismanagement, bad debts and gambling with the American people’s well-being. After Americans bailed them out of their troubles, how did the banks return the favor? By rubber-stamping hundreds of thousands of foreclosures and making it difficult for borrowers to modify their subprime mortgages into loans with interest rates and monthly payments they could actually afford.

This blatant manipulation cannot be allowed to permeate completely into our political system. There is something you can do to fight back against the billions of dollars they will throw at their own greedy interests. Get involved, get educated and join organizations like the newly formed Progressives United.

Russ Feingold has taken a bold step and started the organization, Progressives United. His primary goal is to fight back against the corporate corruption that is so entrenched in our political system. His message should be heard and carried to Washington so those politicians know we will not stand for it. More importantly get your family, friends and neighbors involved in the cause to push back corporate greed and influence in America.

This is your country. This is our country. Take it back and make your voice heard over the millions of dollars of ads they will surely throw at this threat to their greed.

P.O. Box 620062

Middleton, WI 53562

phone: 608-831-7877

fax: 608-831-3192


