Politco Pandering to the Crazy People

I find it mind numbing and a huge waste of our political will and time to pander to the crazy, inflammatory, vilifying, off the wall rumors and propaganda that seems to be coming in ever greater amounts from America. I am insulted that our national government felt it necessary to take time, effort and money to address ridiculous rumors, instead of the enormously important job of running this country. This is wrong. It is a waste of our time. We have a mountain of issues to tackle and we as a people seem to have an incredibly difficult time coming together to solve any of these issues, issues far more important, relevant and impactful than chasing crazy rumors. I’m talking of course about the ridiculous rumor about our President, Barack Obama, not being an American or born in this country.

He has already provided mountains of evidence regarding his citizenship, eligibility for the office of President of the United States and his legitimacy as to becoming the President of the United States of America. Also, he was rightfully elected through popular vote. Issue Resolved.

The problem is you know it isn’t. Soon after his press conference, people were screaming it was a fake. Experts appeared out of nowhere testifying that this was a forgery to keep the American public in the dark.

Just stop it.

Seriously, please just stop and think for a moment.

Can we please take a moment and look at the situation with a calm, sane, logical head? Our nation is struggling. America is having a terrible time economically, socially, environmentally, strategically and politically. Take a moment to think clearly about the real issues that are affecting you and me. The real issues that we each struggle with every day. Our jobs, our families, our health and are prosperity are teetering on the edge of disaster. Why is anyone wasting time with this rumor and hearsay?

Propaganda, Inc.: Selling America's Culture to the World

Propaganda, Inc.: Selling America's Culture to the World

There was a time when these lies, this propaganda and this outward and obvious smearing and vilifying of our fellow Americans, our neighbors and our people would have never been tolerated. Now it seems this kind of behavior is the norm. Somehow it’s ok to spread these tiresome lies and many American people are pushing this harder through blogging, tweets, the media and more.

We must find a way to turn the tide before it drowns us all. It is not acceptable to treat each other this way. It is not acceptable to lie about each other this way. It is not acceptable to be this way whether Americans or not.

Find the real moral high ground and put the slang and slurs aside. Stop circulating rumor and propaganda and move forward using facts, compassion and common sense to get this country on track. This whole situation embarrasses me as a person, as an American and a patriot. I will use this whole scenario as a reminder of how silly, ridiculous and flat out crazy all of this has gotten. I will use this as a reminder to keep the conversation rational, factual and on track to tackle the very real political issues we face in this country. I ask that you do the same.
